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How to Avoid Saying Anything Offensive When Discussing Politics & Religion on Dinner Conversations

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Having family dinner conversation starters printable is an integral part of socializing. The way in which we eat is one of the most important things that influences the way we interact and share ideas and opinions. However, as with everything else, not everything we have discussed so far has been pleasant. When it comes to dinner conversation topics & riddles, there are some things you should never say.

For example, when talking about religion - you should avoid talking about religion in terms of religion. There is nothing wrong with talking about a religious person - but not in the same breath to speak about religion in the same breath, or even in the same sentence. You may also not want to discuss topics of abortion and sex. While discussing these topics, you must avoid making any reference to either of these topics - because it can be interpreted as offensive.

It is also important to avoid talking about people's religions - particularly the religions of those people who do not understand you. For example, if you are going to talk about someone's religion - such as Islam - you must ensure you state clearly the difference between Islam and Hinduism, or Buddhism.

Religious treasure hunt riddles can also be a good idea for dinner discussion topics & riddles. However, as I have stated above - you must never make reference to religion in the same sentence with another statement. As with religion, you must also state clearly the difference between Islam and Hinduism or Buddhism.

When it comes to politics, it is best to stick to the topics that are more relevant to your own life and to the issues of your particular country. Issues such as the war, crime, corruption and the like are all good topics to discuss - but you should never talk about anything related to immigration - because this can be offensive to immigrants.

As you can see, it is very important that you keep political questions out of dinner discussion topics & riddles, or at least make sure you state clearly that you are talking about politics and not about religion. You can even use riddles to get people talking - for example by asking them how many fingers they have or what color their eyes are.

However, while most people find these dinner discussion topics & riddles a great way to relax and get a little of fun out of their evenings - there are some people who find them offensive. In this case, it is better not to use such topics at all - for the simple reason that they are not relevant to any of the other discussion topics discussed at the time.

It may sound ridiculous to think that you can't say something politically correct when it comes to dinner discussion topics & riddles, but it's not the case. So before you go out and start talking about any topic, check whether you will offend someone else. To get more enlightened on this topic, see this page: